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Sustainer Society

As an arts organization, we’re always planning ahead: considering plays for upcoming seasons, maintaining and enriching our education and community engagement programs. And it’s a great help to be able to count on gifts over a five-year period to support our goals.

Become a member with a minimum pledge of $5,000 over five years. For $1,000 a year, you’ll be recognized as a $5,000 donor in our playbill and on our website for the next five years. For a pledge of $10,000 or greater over five years, you’ll receive additional acknowledgement on our lobby wall. An option for those taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from an IRA is to make a distribution to PBD, thereby satisfying all or part of your annual RMD. Such Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) do not count as income for tax purposes. (This information does not substitute for individual tax planning advice.)

For more information, please contact Managing Director Sue Ellen Beryl at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 561-514-4042 x102.

PBD would like to thank members of our

Sustainer Society

Leah and Ed Frankel Foundation
Pamela and Robert Goergen

Penny Bank
Roy Bartolomei and Peter Wronsky
Susan and Joe Biernat
Rebecca and Randell Doane
Monica and Scott Laurans
Diann and Tom Mann
Stephanie and John Pew
Wayne Shepard
Dan Sherbo and Tom Nixon
Stanley Waldshan, in honor of Carole Waldshan

Karen and Alfred Blum
Ann and Bob Hagelstein
Robin and Reuben Jeffery
Elaine and Larry Rothenberg

Gail and Paul Altieri
Penny and Mitchell Beers
Atesh Chandra
Paul Bernabeo and David Cohen
Laura Cole
Mary Jo and Vince Elhilow
Zee Jay and Jerry Greenspan
Rochelle and David Hirsch
Michael Hoagland and Joseph Kolb
Rand Hoch
Emma Horn
Judy Lewent and Mark Shapiro
Zelda Mason
Sandra and Bernie Meyer
Thomas Moran
Linda and Jay Rosenkranz
Shari Santell
Madeline and Arnold Schuster
Susan Schwartz
Arlene and Richard Siudek
Louise and Barry Snyder
Diana and John Weir
Ron Wetzel and Nathan Hench
Nancy Yanofsky
Joseph and Susan Winter Zacherman

Deborha Campbell
Phyllis Cohen
Michael Collins and Jim Harshbarger
Loretta and Bob Comfort
Karol and Paul Costa
Esther Flaster
Eric Geller and Susan Metzler-Kirkman
Susan and Stuart Goodman
Suzanne Holmes
Gayle Brody Jacobs
Ellen Levy
Terry and David Liddell
Emily and Naj Pervez
Robyn and Dale Rands
Barbara Rosenberger
Esther and Ivan Schaeffer
Julia and Wayne Shovelin
Jody Sklar and Dana Fishkin
Judith and Howard Weiner
Adrienne Yorinks